基礎實用片語:Unit 01
01. to get on (上車)
to get off (下車)
02. to put on (穿上;體重增加)
to take off (脫掉;起飛)
03. to turn on (打開)
to turn off (關上)
04. right away (馬上;立刻)
at once (馬上;立刻)
05. to go to bed (就寢)
to get up (起床)
06. at first (起先;一開始)
at last ( 最後;終於)
07. to pick up (拾起;搭載)
(1) to get on 上車 / to get off 下車
講解:搭公車,上船或是飛機用片語 to get on,下車使用 to get off 。搭乘轎車或是計程車,使用片語 get in (into),下車使用 get out of
I said goodbye to my mother, and then I got on the train.
If you don't know where to get off, just ask the driver.
Peter got into his car and drove away.
She called the police for help because the man refused to get out of the car.
(2) to put on 穿上;體重增加 / to take off 脫掉;起飛
講解:to put on 指穿、戴衣服、帽子、手錶等等,強調動作。動詞 wear 表示已經是穿的狀態。to take off 是脫掉穿戴的東西,另外也可當不及物動詞是飛機「起飛」的意思,飛機「降落」用動詞 land 。這兩個片語是可分開片語。
You'd better put on your coat. It's getting cold outside.
I've put on weight. (= I've gained weight.)
It was hot, so I took off my sweater.
We saw an airplane take off yesterday. It was cool.
(3) to turn on 打開 / to turn off 關上
講解:to turn on 指打開家電用品的電源或是扭開水龍頭,關掉電源用 to turn off 。開燈與關燈,也可以用 to switch on 和 to swtich off。這兩個片語是可分開片語。
Can you please turn on the light? The room is dark.
Please don't forget to turn off the gas before you leave the house.
(4) right away 馬上;立刻 / at once 馬上;立刻
講解:表示馬上,立刻可用片語 right away 和 at once,另外單字常用的是副詞 immediately
My brother called me and told me to come home right away.
As soon as I saw the robber, I recognized him at once.
(5) to go to bed 就寢 / to get up 起床
講解:就寢,去睡覺使用片語 to go to bed 或是 to go to sleep,起床用片語 to get up
I usually go to bed at 11:00 pm.
My mother gets up early because she has to prepare breakfast for us.
(6) at first 起先;一開始 / at last 最後;終於
講解:at first 是副詞片語,使用時通常置於句首; at last 與 at first 形成對比,也可以用 at long last,相當於單字 finally 的用法。
At first, we chose the red shirts. Later we changed our minds and switched to the
purple shirts.
At last, after six years in college, I finally got my diploma.
(7) to pick up 拾起;搭載
講解:to pick up 為可分開片語,接名詞時 pick up your pen 或 pick your pen up, 接代名詞時 pick it up。
Please pick up your pen and start the exam.
Please come to my office and pick me up at 7:00 pm.
You dropped your trash on the floor. Please go pick it up.
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