基礎實用片語:Unit 03
01. to pick out (挑選;認出)
02. to take one's time
03. to lie down (躺下)
to sit up (坐起來)
04. to stand up (站起來)
to sit down (坐下)
05. all day long (整天)
06. by onself (靠自己;獨自)
07. on purpose (故意)
08. to get along (進展;相處融洽)
09. to make no difference
10. to take out (拿出;取出)
(1) to pick out 挑選;認出
講解:to pick out 接名詞時,不可分開片語;如果接代名詞 him, her, it 等則必須放在片語中間,例如 pick it out 用法。
She picked out the most expensive dress in the store.
Jack picked out his father from the crowd.
(2) to take one's time 不急,慢慢來
講解:to take one's time 用於告訴對方,不要急,慢慢來;one's 指所有格,可以是 my, your, his 等。這個片語後如接動詞,可以用 V-ing 或是 to V。市面上一些教材上說,後不可接不定詞 to V,但外師表示,他們是會接不定詞 to V。需要應考的同學,請用 V-ing。我們這裡提供的課程將會以實用英文為主,而不是制式的考試用法。
Don't rush. Take your time. We're not in a hurry.
Please take your time eating your lunch.
Take your time to finish the test.
(3) to lie down 躺下 / to sit up 坐起來
講解:to lie down 指躺下,而 to sit up 是坐起來,都是不可分開片語。sit up 還有「熬夜」的意思,但這個用法很少使用,一般熬夜會用 to stay up 這個片語。
He's lying down on his bed and playing a game on his phone.
As soon as I woke up, I sat up and reached for my glasses.
(我一醒來就坐起來並伸手拿我的眼鏡。as soon as 連接詞,一~就~)
(4) to stand up 站起來 / to sit down 坐下
講解:to stand up 和 to sit down 都是不可分開片語
Please stand up and take a bow.

Please sit down. (= Please take a seat. = Please have a seat.)
(5) all day long 整天
講解:all day long 指一整天的時間,是副詞片語,也可以只說 all day (= for the entire day)
I have nothing to do all day long.
You've been dodging my calls all day.
(6) by oneself 靠自己;獨自
講解:by oneself 為副詞片語,強調時可以加上 all,有兩個意思,分別是靠自己做某一件事情,或是處在獨自一人的狀況;oneself 是反身代名詞的意思,可以是 myself, yourself, herself 等。
My grandfather lives by himself.
Can you please help me? I can't move the furniture all by myself.
(7) on purpose 故意
講解:on purpose 為副詞片語,使用時通常放在句尾
I think he stepped on my foot on purpose.
The boy broke the window on purpose.
(8) to get along 進展;相處融洽
講解:to get along 為不可分開片語,有兩個意思,分別是指一件事情的進展狀況,以及與人相處融洽。「與某人相處融洽」常用 get along with 或是強調用 get along well with
A: How is your paper getting along?
B: It's good. I'm almost finished.
(A: 你的報告進度如何? B: 不錯。我幾乎要完成了。)
I love my job. I get along well with my co-workers.
I don't know how to get along with my parents. They are just too hard on me.
(9) to make no difference 沒有什麼區別;沒關係
講解:to make no difference 這個片語使用時通常採取下列句型,it 是虛主詞,代替後面的名詞子句;it makes no difference 可以替換成 it doesn't matter (matter n. 事情;v. 有關係,重要)
句型:It makes no difference + whether (how, where, when, what, who...)
A: Do you prefer the red or the blue dress?
B: It makes no difference to me. I'll take either one.
(A: 你比較喜歡紅色或是藍色的洋裝? B: 沒關係。哪一件我都可以。)
It makes no difference to me whether you believe it or not.
It doesn't matter whether your skin is white, black, red, or brown. We are all the same.
(10) to take out 拿出;取出
講解:to take out 接名詞時,一般是不分開,接代名詞 her, him, them 等,要放在片語的中間。take out 的基本用法是拿出、取出的意思,另外還有帶某人出去吃飯的用法。
The garbage truck is coming. I'm going to take out thet trash.
Please take out your books and turn to page 100.
Thank you so much for taking me out to dinner.
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